Sunday, July 3, 2011

In my imagination, all of my tools are sharp

But in reality it doesn't always work out that way! I had made the decision long ago to make the altar legs out of the storage bin bracing boards. These braces are rough, uneven and difficult to work with. It's slow going.

In the photo you can see the remains of the Mendham, SK elevator. The triangular braces in the corners of the bins are what will be the altar legs. They were put there to keep the bins from bursting as their full load of grain would put great force on the outward walls. These boards are really amazing to look at - so many fascinating shapes to see; each sculpted in various states. Originally two boards were stacked one on top of another but after decades the top board has been so eroded by falling grain that in many cases it has disappeared completely.

Anyway the legs are glued up, the July sun is scorching and a Norwegian is wearing the maillot jaune. All in all a perfect summer day. Time to get out of town and see how the garden is doing. Later...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see it at the ELCIC National Convention! A truly fitting and wonderful image for the Altar!
